Musei di Palazzo Farnese is an App for iOS and Android which makes the visit to the museums in Piacenza a unique and unforgettable experience.
Based on the IMApp platform, the App is the first interactive multimedia museum guide in Italy to exploit the potential of iBeacons at is best: it automatically recognizes the artwork to which the visitor is approaching, shows its description on the screen and visualizes a wide range of multimedia contents such as pictures, videos and audio tours. Moreover, the App recreates the experience of GPS navigation in indoor spaces, thanks to an interactive map that shows the location of the artworks on exhibition and guides the user to the selected objects through the shortest path.
Musei di Palazzo Farnese also allows to experience the museum beyond the actual visit: digital collections remain always available and they can be easily consulted through an internal search function and bookmarked, so that users can plan their visit path in advance or consult information later.
Through a News section, they can also stay up-to-date about the latest activities and events at the museum and can share their experience directly on social networks.
Musei di Palazzo Farnese is available for Apple iOS