Oggi Marco Boeri, il fondatore e amministratore di Ultraviolet, è stato invitato alla conferenza Welcoming Cities di Rimini ed ha tenuto una relazione di grande successo dal titolo: IMApp e la rivoluzione dei beacons: microlocalizzazione, navigazione indoor e marketing di prossimità
IMApp obtains its first acknowledgment
Our IMApp project has been assigned the First Award of the Piacenza Special Section at the Emilia Romagna Start Cup 2013 competition. Ultraviolet’s CEO, Marco Boeri, has received the award from the Major of Piacenza Paolo Dosi.
Big News
We are glad to announce that the agreement for the acquisition of Ultraviolet srl by Tualba srl has just been finalized. Over this months, Tualba’s staff has collaborated with Ultraviolet on all the activities, thus at an operative level there will be few changes and the organizational structure will remain unvaried. In reverse, the overall efficiency will improve, allowing us …
Press Review on Piacenza App
Here is a selection of press articles talking about the launch of Piacenza App. http://www.ilpiacenza.it/…/piacenza-e-arrivata-come-conosce…
Piacenza is here!
Piacenza is here! Piacenza is the official App of the city of Piacenza: an innovative tourist guide and an instrument for living the city at its best through a simple smartphone or tablet. It is aimed both at tourists who wish to discover its artistic treasures and for the citizens who want to stay updated about what happens around them. …
One night in Expo 2015
On 17th September, we had the privilege to present our technology IMAPP at Piazzetta of Piacenza in Expo 2015 as part of Piacenza Innovativa. Thanks to those who gave us the opportunity to participate and who supported us…
IMApp at Expo 2015
We are proud to announce that the on next September 17th we will present our technology IMAPP at Piazzetta Piacenza in Expo2015. Don’t leave us alone!!!
New IMApp website
The new website of our technology IMApp has been completely renewed and is now online. Don’t be shy and tell us what you think about it!! www.imapp.it
Big news in the field of proximity technologies: is it a revolution? In any case, we are ready… http://android-developers.blogspot.it/2015/07/lighting-way-with-ble-beacons.html
First test more than positive
Do you like Piacenza’s notifications on Apple Watch?